Before time or reality itself there was everything and nothing...



Before the cosmos was created there were two powerful entities who arose from the Void who at first contested one another but eventually made a pact that would not only free them from the Void’s caustic embrace but also set about the creation of the cosmos, within which each would reside and work their will.



Supreme Creative Force of the Cosmos

Titles/Alias(es): Patron of Asora/Asora’s Patron, Sustainer of Life, Champion of Existence, Creator/the Creator of all, Pan-creator.
Symbol: A twisting swirl of white energy or light.
Dominion: The entire cosmos; Bios.
Realm: Awntodgenee is a separate entity but closely tied to the cosmic element of life; some hold it is a self-embodied manifestation of it that was awaked to full manifestation and divine-like status in the time before the creation of the cosmos. In either case it is thought to mainly reside in Bios but also does and can interact and appear all across the cosmos, its creation.

Allies: Asora
Enemies: Asorlok, Nuhl
Followers: None save Asora.
Servants: None, though it does serve as patron to Asora.
Religion: Cosmins of old, titans mostly but some dranors too; slight cultic activity throughout the millennia.
True Form: A massive mutable form of white light and energy.
Other forms: Awntodgenee took the guise of a being named Galba, who guarded over Vkar’s and the pantheon’s thrones that had been anchored to Tralodren. 

Awntodgenee is described as mutable, living light, it has no true form nor distinction. Awntodgenee's full size is not known, but it is assumed it could border on something approaching cosmic since the cosmos was created to house it and Nuhl. Though many think it abides in Bios it is and does appear across the cosmos.

As a Cosmic Entity, it does not have a distinct sex, being beyond and above such things. Though it tends to favor female guises it also has been known to use a few male ones in the past as well as more androgynous ones. Whenever it speaks in its true form, however, the voice is a strange blending of male and female.



Supreme Destructive Force of the Cosmos

Titles/Alias(es): The Antithesis of all Existence, Eradicator of Life, the Devourer of Substance, Patron of Asorlok, the Destroyer, Pan-destroyer.
Symbol: A twisting swirl of black energy or darkness.
Dominion: All creation.
Realm: Nuhl is a separate entity but closely tied to the cosmic element of death; some hold it is a self-embodied manifestation of it that was awaked to full manifestation and divine-like status in the time before the creation of the cosmos. In either case it is thought to mainly reside in Mortis but also does and can interact and appear all across the cosmos.   

Allies: Asorlok
Enemies: Asora, Awntodgenee.
Followers: None save Asorlok.
Servants: None, though it does serve as patron to Asorlok.
Religion: Cosmins of old, titans mostly but some dranors too; slight cultic activity throughout the millennia.
True Form: Nuhl is a mutable collection of darkness and black energy that can bring forth tentacles of darkness ending in and covered with sharp white tooth-filled mouths.
Other forms: None known, though anything is assumed possible.

Nuhl's natural form is that of pure devouring darkness that is shifting and shapeless, restless in any form it might try to take on for but a moment. It tends to have many tentacles about it, each one peppered with mouths with white razor sharp teeth. Equal in size to Awntodgenee, Nuhl’s main abode is the plane and later realm of Mortis, though since it has a part in the cosmos it can and does make itself known throughout it as well.

As a Cosmic Entity, it does not have a distinct sex, being beyond and above such things. Whenever it speaks in its true form, however, the voice is a strange blending of  male and female.

All of the above listed text is copyrighted Chad Corrie. All rights reserved.
No use of this material, outside personal use, can be made without his written consent.