Tralodroen history has been recorded throughout the years by many scribes and sages but has also been collected into various tomes that have become rather authorative on the matter.



Ancient Tralodroen history has been maintained and kept by two main sources. Whereas later and more modern centuries have seen a collection of several various forms of historical accounts, each as varied as their audience and intended purpose, a handful have survived to serve as the main reference and even source of information after many of the original source documents have been lost. These works in turn would become the foundation of known history and serve as a major component of the historical narrative for many generations of scholars, sages, scribes, and layman alike.

These six main historical works are as follows: the Theogona, the Kosma, the Grand Chronicle, the Silver Treatise, the Golden Treatise, and the Millennial Chronicles. 



Date of Creation: 7665 BV
Timeline Covered:  10,000-7665 BV
Created By: Tralodren-based titans.

The Theogona was created by titans who had fled the growing power of the Lords of Tralodren leading up to their time of calling in the fiends onto the planet. They were a mixture of Cosmin, Pantheonists, and defectors who truly feared for their future and, with the rise of the fiends, sought ways to document what they could of their history so they might leave behind some sort of record.

Given the various views and ideologies of those who composed it, there are naturally some points of view or topics that tend to get highlighted more than others. But when it was compiled, efforts were made to smooth and balance things out to present a more whole and uniform presentation of the historical account. If this was going to be the last remaining voice of their race, the compilers reasoned, they’d want it to be as accurate and thorough as possible.

In the years after the titans’ removal from Tralodren, other scribes and scholars worked on copying the material, which has continued to be the case even until the present time, thus ensuring that the work and the information it conveyed would never be forgotten. As such, the Theogona is considered the foundation of history, even if viewed by those in later centuries as a collection of myths and legends.

Combined with the Kosma, it offers some of the only insights into the times not just of the early days of Tralodren but what came before and led up to its creation. Naturally, with such insight, it’s highly favored among priests and those given to such matters while, since the Divine Vindication, having fallen out of favor with the general population, who look to more modern historical accounts for a sense of place and purpose in the cosmos.

Even so, many wealthy people and those of status often will seek out their own copy for their libraries. And while the history is still of interest to many, it’s seen more as a collection of stories and tales than actual history. A summary, perhaps, but not something that should be entirely believed without critical thinking and skepticism to help pull out the real kernels of truth amid the fanciful dressing. 



Date of Creation:  6080 BV
Timeline Covered: 7665-5479 BV
Created By: Dranoric sages; later added to by other sages and scribes from mortalkind.

The Kosma was inspired by and follows the Theogona, which provided a summary and ongoing historical record for what took place before the coming of the dranors. When Marat’s push for greatness turned dark and corrupted, and the dranors found themselves lost, dying, and cursed as a race, those still not taken with Marat’s fantasies desired to create a history of their own race and nation—both the good and bad, highs and lows—picking up from where the titans left off and their story began but also including what they could of the other nations and races who shared the planet with them.

The work was involved, compiled from other sources and information along the way, but after about fourteen years of effort, a collection of eighty dranoric scribes, sages, and scholars finished a document they hoped would not only preserve something of their existence but also, when combined with the Theogona, help continue the story of creation and life.

It also helped that for a time into the Shadow Years, when recorded time was established, sages, scribes, and scholars—mostly from mortalkind—added to the story of the planet and peoples after the Great Shaking. While it was a general overview, given the chaotic nature of what followed this catastrophic event, when combined with what was already written, it provided a thread for future generations to follow.

And in this it has done well. Many scholars and even priests cite the work for certain references and information used in conducting research or composing their own works of history. Bards and other storytellers have even been known to mine its depths for inspiration or hints of tales they can take and make their own. It also helped form the foundation of the modern understanding of the present ages and even how one is to write historical documents in general, forming the foundations of the modern templates for scribes, scholars, and sages.

Finally, it has also contributed to parts of the modern religions on Tralodren, since they use the document in part to help flesh out certain elements in their own histories as well as provide a foundation upon which to solidly anchor their ancient texts and sacred tomes. 

grand chronicle


Date of Creation: 1128 BV
Timeline Covered: The entirety of the Shadow Years ( 5479 - 1154 BV)
Created By: Patrician scholars and sages.

The Grand Chronicle was a great opus and endeavor created by a collection of Patrician scholars and sages over the period of twenty years wherein they attempted to comb the world and various sources for information on one of the most mysterious ages of the world: the Shadow Years. From their efforts stems nearly the entirely of what is known of that age, and has become a staple and foundation for countless other historical works. It is also thanks to these scholars’ and sages’ efforts that many original source documents were collected and later saved in the Great Library, further preserving the historical record.

Being so popular has seen the chronicle translated into various languages. It’s also been seen as a coveted part of any library. Whereas the Theogona and Kosma might have some more religious and even mythic attachment to them the Grand Chronicle is viewed by most as a purely secular document  based on solid fact, further bolstering any claims of historical authenticity and accuracy. Not surprisingly, it’s been used as a textbook among many youths in training among the higher and even lower levels of society.

the silver treatise


Date of Creation: 640 - 630 BV
Timeline Covered: End of Shadow Years until the start of Third Age of the Wizard Kings (1154 - 655 BV)
Created By: Various 

This work was created in part by loyal servants and followers of the wizard kings during the Third Age of the Wizard Kings, who wanted an accurate record of what came before and gave birth to their great place on Tralodren. It covered the historical happenings from the end of the Shadow Years until the beginnings of the Third Age of the Wizard Kings fairly honestly and objectively.

All these notes and histories were combined over the course of a ten year process by some servants and apprentices of Devin Litiss, a wizard king who came to prominence in the Third Age of the Wizard Kings. It was quickly copied by others who wanted the prestige and knowledge for themselves and was passed on for years after the fall of the wizard kings and queens as something of a reliable source of insight into those often troubling times.

Later editions paid for by other wizards or persons of rank often had what was written slightly altered to their tastes and preferences but the overall volume of copies helped later copyists and transcribers keep the original text intact.

This history book gets its name from the copious amounts of silver ink used in illustrating and lettering the original volume, which was said to also be bound in a silver cover and even kept in a silver case.

golden treatise


Date of Creation: 70-50 BV
Timeline Covered: Third and Fourth Ages of the Wizard King Kings to the Divine Vindication (655-0 BV)
Created By: Loral the Lovely and her aides and apprentices. Later additions by Patrician scholars and sages.

Following the actions of Devin Litiss, Loral the Lovely, one of the last wizard queens to come to power during the final years of the Fourth Age of the Wizard Kings, sought to make another addition to the Silver Treatise, which had seen some time pass since its inception. Using a similar method, she scoured the world for documents and truth, stories, and histories she could combine into this ultimate treatise on the history from where the Silver Treatise leaves off and up to her modern age.

She is said to have wanted to do something greater of a work and so used copious amounts of golden ink for illustration and text headings among other uses and even gilded the parchment pages in gold and bound it in a cover of gold with a magnificent golden case for extra safe keeping. True to her Patrician roots, Loral, wanted only facts and truth, not speculation, and is said to have taken an active role in curating the material, even writing some of it herself—according to legend.

Because of this keen focus on detail, the Golden Treatise is considered a trusted source of knowledge on that period of time and has served scholars and sages well for centuries. It also was added to by other Patrician scholars after the Divine Vindication who saw it as a fitting way to end out the age as something clearly monumental had occurred which had birthed a new age for all to walk into. And with the later push for a new numbering system for the years it seemed natural to wrap things up with the end of the Divine Vindication. And so it has remained for all the centuries following.

The fanciful golden decorations might no longer grace any modern copies, but the title still holds and is a coveted edition for many who are interested in the past. It’s also the foundation upon which much of the modern day histories have been built—both in style, focus, and presentation. The original golden version is said to still be kept in the Great Library of Rexatoius available for those who might, by chance, be able to secure a look for themselves.

millenial Chronicles


Date of Creation:  975-1000 PV
Timeline Covered: Covers the timeline from the start of the Divine Vindication up to the year 1000 PV. (1-1000 PV)
Created By: Dradinites and the Greater Library of Rexatoius 

Following the first millennia after the Divine Vindication it was decided there was a need for another major tome collecting the histories that had developed over the centuries. Supported by the Dradinites and the Great Library itself, the massive twenty-five year project collected, proofed, and verified all the known historical writings at that time from all the locations and ages leading up to that present day. This information came chiefly from the various chronicles that existed in each of the major kingdoms, independent cities, empires, republics, and the like. But they also didn’t turn away any smaller works or collections of insight if it could be verified and vetted for the most accurate information.

Once collected this massive work would span five volumes, with each book covering a period of two hundred years, starting with the end of the Divine Vindication and start of the new, modern epoch. No sooner had it been finished than it became something instantly clamored for by various sages, scribes, and scholars. Naturally, copyists and translators did very well in the ensuing years, working on getting copies into these paying patrons’ hands.

The title, while not always welcomed in the early years, has since become well known and accepted and elevated to one of the essential collections one needs for their libraries. It’s also coveted by teachers for use in educating students with reliable information on what has transpired before their arrival on the planet. The Millennial Chronicles are also unique in the Great Library generates some if its income from the production of the five book set. A first among the historical book industry and profession.

All of the above listed text is copyrighted Chad Corrie. All rights reserved.
No use of this material, outside personal use, can be made without his written consent.