Tralodren has a long history of various peoples making their way across its landmasses and ages, most of whom can be collected into one of three groups: mortalkind, monstrous races, and giants.
The Third largest people Group on the NOrthern Hemisphere


Giants are a collection of large humanoids found across Tralodren—both in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Giantkind is broken down into seven distinct peoples: Aloadae, Anakim, Jotun, Nephilim, Rephaim, Surith, and Trolls.

monstrous races
THe Second largest people group of the Northern Hemisphere


The Monstrous Races are the second most populous group of humanoids populating Tralodren, chiefly the Southern Hemisphere with additional pockets in and around the Northern Hemisphere.

Further divisions are applied when it comes to the three main groups from how various others peoples have descended. These three main gropus are: jarthals, minotors, ryu. Their various descenants are as follows: deltarians, goblins, hobgoblins, lizardmen, minotaurs, and, ogres.  

Jarthalian Races

• Ogres
• Hobgoblins 
• Goblins

Ryuik Races

• Deltarians
• Lizardmen

Minotoric Race

• Minotaur

THe largest people group on the Northern Hemisphere


Mortalkind contains the main humanoid races populating Tralodren, chiefly its Northern Hemisphere, these being: aethoni, elves, dwarves, half-elves, halflings, humans, and gnomes.

Humans and elves are further divided into the following groups:


• Celetors
• Napowese
• Nordicans
• Telborians


• Aquadion
• Elyellium 
• Patrious 
• Syvani

All of the above listed text is copyrighted Chad Corrie. All rights reserved.
No use of this material, outside personal use, can be made without his written consent.